Features & Benefits

  • Secure delivery of your statements;
  • Eliminates lost/misplaced paper statements;
  • Easily view, download and print your statements;
  • Provides a fast, secure and easy method of monitoring your transactions;
  • Email notification once e-Statement is ready
  • Electronic statements are stored for as long as possible on a secure cloud service.


All GTBank UK account holders with valid email addresses registered with the bank are eligible for the service.

Sign Up

To sign up for this service, provide us with a valid email address and we will do the rest for you. There are a number of ways to provide us with a valid email address:

User Guide

You will receive 2 emails on your registered email address with the Bank if you are new to e-Statements. One of the emails is a password notification and the other email contains a link to your electronic statement.

For the first time, you will be required to setup a profile on our secure email platform, Mimecast CCM, by supplying your email address and providing a password that you will always remember. Once you have set up a profile on MimeCast, all you need do is to click on the link on the second email and you will see your statement. Subsequent e-statements will not require the set up process again.

Please click here for a guide on how to use the e-statement service.

You will need to have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your PC to be able to view and print your e-Statements. Visit www.adobe.com to download Adobe Acrobat Reader.